Q Protocol Public Sale

Unlock infinite value by building beyond "code-is-law"

QGOV (Wrapped on Eth)

QGOV (Wrapped on Eth) Tokens

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Deposit Period
Open:15 Jul. 2024 at 12:00 UTC+00:00Close:22 Jul. 2024 at 10:00 UTC+00:00
Refund Period
Open:22 Jul. 2024 at 12:00 UTC+00:00Close:23 Jul. 2024 at 12:00 UTC+00:00
Claim Period
Open:22 Jul. 2024 at 12:01 UTC+00:00Close:22 Aug. 2024 at 12:00 UTC+00:00
Sale details: Read our Terms & Conditions
Q Protocol Public Sale

Q Protocol Public Sale

Q provides a universal governance layer for web3 and beyond, unlocking the next 100x growth opportunity in decentralized tech.


Q Protocol QGOV (Wrapped on Eth)

What is Q Protocol ?

The Q Protocol is based on a simple yet powerful insight: +90% of all economic activity depends on subjective rules.

This has been proven by Nobel-Prize-winning economists Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström.

Because blockchains can only handle objective rules, their potential to create value is inherently limited. Q addresses this problem heads-on: By introducing the novel concept of Shared Governance Security, Q dramatically improves the security of existing web3 projects.

Even more importantly, Q enables novel business models that operate on the basis of subjective rules in a fully decentralized way. By taking crypto beyond the limits of code-is-law, Q unlocks infinite possibilities for decentralized systems.

Traction and Ecosystem

The Q Protocol is live, fully functional with all infrastructure components in place.

Today, more than 25 projects have already opted-in to Q’s governance services. These projects pay governance fees for the service they receive, which are distributed to Q stakeholders, including QGOV token holders.

In total, more than 130 projects are building on and with Q.

You can find an overview of the Q ecosystem here: https://ecosystem.q.org/


The Q Protocol is backed by:

Investors: Greenfield Capital, HashKey Capital, Deutsche Telekom, Chainlayer and more

Academia: Leading academics from Stanford University, MIT, NY Stern, University of Toulouse and more

Token Utility

At the heart of Q Protocol’s functionality lies the Q token (QGOV). Serving as the native asset of the Q blockchain, QGOV tokens offer the following key utilities to token holders:

1. Governance Fees: For their participation in the Q governance framework, QGOV token holders receive a share of the governance fees paid by protocols and projects that build on Q or use Q's governance features.

2. Staking: Q token holders can earn rewards by contributing to the security of the network. They can do this either by locking their tokens in the Q Vault or by using the in-protocol delegation feature to stake their tokens with a validator.

3. Governance Participation: Actively shape the future of the Q Protocol proposing or voting on changes to the Q Constitution, electing new root nodes, and making decisions related to expert panels.

4. Fees: QGOV tokens are used for paying transaction fees and governance fees on the network and can be used in many of the applications building on Q.

Additionally, QGOV token holders can participate in incentive programs to earn extra rewards. You can find QGOV token incentive programs here:


As a QGOV token holder, you are part of a large and growing community supporting the next 100x opportunity in crypto.

Join the movement to decentralize the world!


Major roadmap topics for Q include:

  • further development of cross-chain solutions, which will dramatically increase the addressable market for Q by allowing projects in other ecosystems to use Q’s paid governance features;

  • module for restaking services providing secure and legally sound slashing frameworks;

  • shared security solutions for specific use cases, e.g. AI, DeSci and RWA.

Token Characteristics

The QGOV token is the native asset of the Q Blockchain. In this public sale, you can buy wrapped QGOV tokens on the Ethereum network. These wrapped QGOV tokens can be bridged and unwrapped into QGOV tokens on Q Blockchain.

Token type: ERC-20

Network: Ethereum

WrappedQ token address: 0xb933e6003Fc9b9152Ac64C26F09779825cE4cb66

Deposit method: $USDC (on ETH)

Sale Info

Fixed sale price: $USDC 0.2125

Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV): $216,000,000

Note on FDV: >60% of issued tokens have been reserved for value-accretive activities and will not be released automatically; part of this supply might be burned if not required for community growth.

Lockup terms: No lock ups - 100% unlock at TGE

Total token supply: 1,000,000,000 QGOV tokens at mainnet genesis.

Inflation rate: approx. 0.95% in the first year after Genesis

Tokenomics (Distribution)

Community & growth: 40.00%

Foundation: 17.90%

Community airdrop: 10.00%

Team: 10.00%

Early backers: 10.00%

Private sale: 6.10%

Private & public sale: 6.00%


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